Sep 17Liked by Martin Hackworth

I am long past turning the other cheek as the Progressives destroy all that is good in our culture in their quest for their socialist heaven on earth.

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I would have guessed no less. My question for you is 220 grain Buffalo Bore or Underwood 200 hard cast? Right now, I'm a BB kind of guy. But I'm always open to new horizons.

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BB is a good choice ….. or 220 grain .300BLK

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"I, as someone outside of their bubble, am supposed to be responsible for everything that’s wrong with the world now and ever has been."

Anyone who tells you that you are to blame for all the badness in the world is abusing you. And, of course, the woke chant the words "Be Kind" all the while they beat you up and try to ruin your life. Then they walk away with a smug smile, and tell their buddies that they destroyed another Evil One on behalf of the Innocent, Oppressed Ones. Meanwhile, the real oppressed ones die in greater numbers as a result of the policies forced upon them by their woke Saviors. It is impossible to not feel hatred towards the woke. But they get off on that as well. They tell everybody that if someone gets angry at them, it means that person is a racist and got what they deserve.

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Martin, I think that you are the one owed reparations for putting up with this s**t.

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Sep 17Liked by Martin Hackworth

Even if barely….

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To paraphrase one of my favorite writers, I want me some damn reparations! Cheers, amigo.

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Good Stuff Martin. You’ve raised a smart young man.

As I’ve said before, give me a call when it’s time, I’ll be there. 🎸

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