I for one did vote for DJT gladly, because while I live in a PNW state where it won't make any difference to the state outcome, I totally believe in doing my infinitisimal part to stick a fork in and twist it around to make the pain of the popular vote tally that much more painful to the people who need to see that we aren't buying what they are selling. And I hope I did my very small part to facilitate Israel doing what they need to do, and not have our admin actively working against them as much as with them. Absolutely repudiation of the last four years!

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I'm not yet seeing any indication that the moderates will be able to regain control of the Democratic Party. I don't think the pain was deep enough. It may take another couple of election cycles like this to force a reckoning.

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There was a lot of talk today on CNN to the effect that it was racism and sexism that did Harris in, not just a terrible candidate representing worse ideas.

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I liked the white guy, Morning Joe, blaming minorities ... sigh, the entitlement is strong ...

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The party who touts their intellectual superiority will not concede responsibility for this loss. Mark my words, they will blame everyone from white women to black men for their loss. The democrats will not review any on their insane tenets you so eloquently summarized. I believe they are so arrogant it will take an even more monumental ass kicking than this election cycle before they will “get it” and that is a stretch to believe they are capable of that level of inflection.

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In less than 24 hours I'm coming to the conclusion that you and Jim are right about this and I was mistaken. It's a peril of being an optimist.

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