A fine, thoughtful, article with appropriate cautions about raising children. We have 3 bio and 7 adopted from the welfare system so I hope I have credibility in cautioning you about foster kids. Being a foster parent is a noble enterprise but our two bouts left us feeling as if we were part of the team with CPS to screw over 2 young girls. Be very cautious that the agency goals for your specific foster child are caring and wholesome. Most children’s social workers chose that profession because they were compassionate but we met many with emotional problems and alcoholism because their agency policies were adverse to the children they were supposed to be helping.

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Thanks. We are, unfortunately, well aware of the screw-uppery in the system. This is a small town and we know all of the players. Add a dollop of religious numbskullery and we have a perfect storm. My secret is knowing when to say " no."

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Strong words Martin!

I blame a massive amount of our current issues on poor parenting. Even the woke tend to agree with me on this.

Your kids are going to be fine and the lucky foster kids should (unless they are irreparably damaged) will leave much better adjusted than they arrive.

Happy Father’s Day!

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Well said Martin, the family is the essential building block of civilization.

My most important goal is to be the best parent and, now grandparent as possible.

I am confident you will be a great single parent and overcome the significant challenges.

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