As a new member, i am impressed with your reasoning, even if I don’t agree with some of your positions.
I think you are too kind to academia, we could reduce every aspect of the academic establishment by huge numbers and be better off. If the result were that we now had a larger population of uninformed it would better than the growing legion of misinformed.
For example, in K-12 who could take the position that public education, especially in large cities, is anything short of a disaster?Yet, home schooled children regularly outperform kids in public schools.
2) Could you write a separate piece explaining why you say Joe Biden won the 2020 election? While it is true that the counted votes favored Biden, you seem unaware of unconstitutional voting rule changes, incompetent ballot custody, sloppy vote counting, unbelievably incompetent voter validation on mail in ballots, and the impact of DOJ or FBI law enforcement actions (or inactions) in the election run-up.
Great piece! Just one thing, in the fourth paragraph from the bottom. The bit about woke movies, what I think is an editing error makes it read as the opposite of what I think you meant.
As a new member, i am impressed with your reasoning, even if I don’t agree with some of your positions.
I think you are too kind to academia, we could reduce every aspect of the academic establishment by huge numbers and be better off. If the result were that we now had a larger population of uninformed it would better than the growing legion of misinformed.
For example, in K-12 who could take the position that public education, especially in large cities, is anything short of a disaster?Yet, home schooled children regularly outperform kids in public schools.
Welcome. Thanks for subscribing. I don't disagree with most of what you said.
1) Great essay Martin.
2) Could you write a separate piece explaining why you say Joe Biden won the 2020 election? While it is true that the counted votes favored Biden, you seem unaware of unconstitutional voting rule changes, incompetent ballot custody, sloppy vote counting, unbelievably incompetent voter validation on mail in ballots, and the impact of DOJ or FBI law enforcement actions (or inactions) in the election run-up.
Yes to every word of this.
Great piece! Just one thing, in the fourth paragraph from the bottom. The bit about woke movies, what I think is an editing error makes it read as the opposite of what I think you meant.
Great article.