Now that people, right AND left, are pushing back against the Woke, they are not happy about it at all. Expect a doubling down from the power centers, like Biden's "executive order" saying states have to let biological men compete in women's sports or lose all university funding, or mandating all electric cars (despite the fact that we don't have anywhere near the grid to handle it).

They're only possible hope of hanging on to power is to keep Trump front and center, and count on enough Republicans to let themselves get played into voting for an unelectable fraud.

Sigh ...

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Apr 10, 2023Liked by Martin Hackworth

Most people think you fight a fire with water. Small fires yes. But big fires you fight fire with fire. Forest fire hot shots are called upon to start a back fire to burn out the major fire. Hence, they fight big fires with fire. Same with liberalism. They create a big fire and we should fight them with their own fire. If they get burned....they will think a second time about creating a fire....

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