The current wailing and gnashing of teeth among the left is an example of selective outrage served up with a large helping of hypocrisy. It's also indicative of why Trump is POTUS. Discuss?
I love how the lefties complain that DOGE is eliminating "necessary" social services. If they were well and truly "necessary," we'd be raising taxes to pay for them in the here and now. Instead, we borrow more than a third of our annual budget. For every $1 the feds spend, they're taking on another 33 cents in debt - debt our grand kids and their grand kids will be paying off someday.
So, just on a cost-benefit analysis, the federal government is bloated by 33 percent - a 33 percent reduction would get us to break-even budget.
And when you consider how many hundreds of millions of dollars USAID was secretly gifting to private advocacy groups to promote transgenderism in devoutly Islamic nations, in India (Hindu and Islamic), and South America and Central Africa (Christian) - and even in indigenous communities? How the heck was that "promoting U.S. interests"? And if it was so damn vital, why was it all hidden until last week?
This is an issue that doesn't even enjoy majority support in this nation, but we're exporting it to places where it's even less popular?
Amen to all of that. I have avoided facebook for years now except when needed for communicating with small businesses, but today I clicked a link which dropped me in, and there top of my feed was a post inviting the reader to also freak out about the last two weeks, and if you didn't agree 100%, well then, just unfriend and never attempt to be in contact again, because clearly you are some sort of subhuman deplorable. Unfortunately, as a woman in her late 50's, most of my female peers are also women in their late 50's of course, and I fear nobody is better at overreacting about whatever the latest "outrage" is than a woman of a certain age; I went through the comments a while too. I would have commented to "chill" and try not to catastrophize everything, just to see how fast this remaining "friend" would unfriend me, but on the other hand when read with detachment from the fact that clearly these people value my friendship 0.0% (they did this sort of thing the last DJT admin too, and I used to try to put in comments that might calm the waters of outrage which predictably went over like a lead balloon, so there is a reason that despite living back in the area where I went to HS, I have zero interest in reunion events with my HS classmates, despite some positive interactions with them prior to say 2014...), it was an entertaining and instructive look into the overheated minds of these folks and a reminder why I generally avoid FB like the plague.
I love how the lefties complain that DOGE is eliminating "necessary" social services. If they were well and truly "necessary," we'd be raising taxes to pay for them in the here and now. Instead, we borrow more than a third of our annual budget. For every $1 the feds spend, they're taking on another 33 cents in debt - debt our grand kids and their grand kids will be paying off someday.
So, just on a cost-benefit analysis, the federal government is bloated by 33 percent - a 33 percent reduction would get us to break-even budget.
And when you consider how many hundreds of millions of dollars USAID was secretly gifting to private advocacy groups to promote transgenderism in devoutly Islamic nations, in India (Hindu and Islamic), and South America and Central Africa (Christian) - and even in indigenous communities? How the heck was that "promoting U.S. interests"? And if it was so damn vital, why was it all hidden until last week?
This is an issue that doesn't even enjoy majority support in this nation, but we're exporting it to places where it's even less popular?
The dumb burns hot ...
Preaching to the choir, but keep it up. Say it out loud, brother!!! Preach!
Amen to all of that. I have avoided facebook for years now except when needed for communicating with small businesses, but today I clicked a link which dropped me in, and there top of my feed was a post inviting the reader to also freak out about the last two weeks, and if you didn't agree 100%, well then, just unfriend and never attempt to be in contact again, because clearly you are some sort of subhuman deplorable. Unfortunately, as a woman in her late 50's, most of my female peers are also women in their late 50's of course, and I fear nobody is better at overreacting about whatever the latest "outrage" is than a woman of a certain age; I went through the comments a while too. I would have commented to "chill" and try not to catastrophize everything, just to see how fast this remaining "friend" would unfriend me, but on the other hand when read with detachment from the fact that clearly these people value my friendship 0.0% (they did this sort of thing the last DJT admin too, and I used to try to put in comments that might calm the waters of outrage which predictably went over like a lead balloon, so there is a reason that despite living back in the area where I went to HS, I have zero interest in reunion events with my HS classmates, despite some positive interactions with them prior to say 2014...), it was an entertaining and instructive look into the overheated minds of these folks and a reminder why I generally avoid FB like the plague.
Oh the stories I can tell. And will.
Into their rabbit holes? I prefer “into their graves!” Or “into their columbarium” if they prefer the incineration route!
What a wonderful piece of writing! MoP? You’re opposed to peace? I ❤️ that.