Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martin Hackworth

The last third party candidate that became president was.....Abraham Lincoln. Before that it was the Democrats and Whigs. The Republican party was started in 1856. That's one of the reasons I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 and 2016. If he was elected the Democrats and Republicans would either collectively demonize him (actually working together across aisles!) or they would have worked for the country instead of their party. There's a reason George Washington warned against political parties in his parting words at the end of his presidency.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Martin Hackworth

In ancient times it seemed that God would punish us with plagues, bodily boils or swarms of locusts. In modern time it seems that He allows us to be ruled and abused by pestilential politicians.

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Pluralism in term of different shades of grey of political parties is key for a healthy democracy? A bi- polar situation with only two political parties is definitely not healthy - fully share your view, Martin!

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I don't believe we have free and fair elections, and Im not sure how that can claim can be supported. The current Republican frontrunner is under no less than 6 active investigations by the primary opposition party's government. This after they paid for and fabricated dirt on him prior to and during his last administration. The press lied to thwart him. His own government lied to thwart him. People were censored from the public square and eventually arrested for opposing the machine, as in the 16 just charged by the Michigan AG for signing an alternate elector pledge. Our elections are perhaps beyond repair.

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