I really enjoy your articles; they are well-written, thoughtful and incisive. I will tell you this: The pandemic era caused the scale to fall off my eyes regarding science and Big Pharma (I was already skeptical of media and Big Tech based on their actions during Trump's presidency.) I naively thought they had our best interest at heart, but I no longer feel that way. It seems like so many entities are captured by our government, intelligence agencies, and military industrial complex. I mean, I just recently discovered that Google had seed funding from the CIA and NSA when they were starting out. WTH?! I feel as if I am residing in the matrix. Thanks for the shoutout to Matt Tiabbi's "Racket News" and Michael Shellenberger's "Public" Substacks. Their work is INDISPENSIBLE!
You are not the only one to have a COVID inspired epiphany. Most of what I thought I knew about how things worked proved wrong when push came to shove. Despite being a lifetime advocate for vaccines, for instance, Big Pharma's blatant self-dealing and obfuscation outraged me. It's a brave new world, and I'm still finding my way in it. Cheers
Thanks again Martin! You are much better than myself at putting this subject near and dear to my heart in writing! I read that Ben Shapiro piece on medicine and surgery specifically. I'm a former fellow of the American college of surgeons. I spent pretty much all of my young adulthood getting there. Merit based at the time. Pinnacle of personal achievement for myself and almost all surgeons at the time. That Shapiro piece crushed pretty much any hope I had for the future of medicine until there is a reckoning!
I really enjoy your articles; they are well-written, thoughtful and incisive. I will tell you this: The pandemic era caused the scale to fall off my eyes regarding science and Big Pharma (I was already skeptical of media and Big Tech based on their actions during Trump's presidency.) I naively thought they had our best interest at heart, but I no longer feel that way. It seems like so many entities are captured by our government, intelligence agencies, and military industrial complex. I mean, I just recently discovered that Google had seed funding from the CIA and NSA when they were starting out. WTH?! I feel as if I am residing in the matrix. Thanks for the shoutout to Matt Tiabbi's "Racket News" and Michael Shellenberger's "Public" Substacks. Their work is INDISPENSIBLE!
You are not the only one to have a COVID inspired epiphany. Most of what I thought I knew about how things worked proved wrong when push came to shove. Despite being a lifetime advocate for vaccines, for instance, Big Pharma's blatant self-dealing and obfuscation outraged me. It's a brave new world, and I'm still finding my way in it. Cheers
I could not have said it better myself. Cheers.
Thanks again Martin! You are much better than myself at putting this subject near and dear to my heart in writing! I read that Ben Shapiro piece on medicine and surgery specifically. I'm a former fellow of the American college of surgeons. I spent pretty much all of my young adulthood getting there. Merit based at the time. Pinnacle of personal achievement for myself and almost all surgeons at the time. That Shapiro piece crushed pretty much any hope I had for the future of medicine until there is a reckoning!
That reckoning comes when people like us kick ass and take names. Very few younger professionals have the stomach for it.
Wow! Great article Martin.