The most disturbing aspect of the article, to me, is this: change a few words here and there and it becomes an essay about the ultra-right conservative Republicans and current candidate, DJ Trump. How do we extract ourselves from these two whirlpools sucking us all to the bottom? The adults in the room that know a government requires cooperation and compromise need to grow a pair and get on with it. The recent efforts to pass legislation and a bipartisan effort to keep Speaker Johnson in place are a good start.
As you know, I completely agree with your observation here. The problem is asymmetry. Though the far right would do many of the same things if they could, they can't. It's the left pulling most of the strings right now. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
This sounds like something I would write—if I had your discipline to sit down and write everyday. I get soooo distracted. 😉😂 Well done!
Cheers and thank you.
The most disturbing aspect of the article, to me, is this: change a few words here and there and it becomes an essay about the ultra-right conservative Republicans and current candidate, DJ Trump. How do we extract ourselves from these two whirlpools sucking us all to the bottom? The adults in the room that know a government requires cooperation and compromise need to grow a pair and get on with it. The recent efforts to pass legislation and a bipartisan effort to keep Speaker Johnson in place are a good start.
As you know, I completely agree with your observation here. The problem is asymmetry. Though the far right would do many of the same things if they could, they can't. It's the left pulling most of the strings right now. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...