Regarding academic titles . . . We all know what BS is, right? Well MS is just “more of the same” while Ph.D is just “piled higher and deeper.” I once repeated this chuckle in one of my Department meetings and my colleagues were not amused. But then again there is that “Doctor of Arts” promoted by the Carnegie Foundation but that failed to flourish except in the ecological niche of Idaho State University whose obscurity guaranteed its holders having to fight uphill to get hired elsewhere. Well the inside joke about the DoA degree was that it stood for “dead on arrival.”
Regarding academic titles . . . We all know what BS is, right? Well MS is just “more of the same” while Ph.D is just “piled higher and deeper.” I once repeated this chuckle in one of my Department meetings and my colleagues were not amused. But then again there is that “Doctor of Arts” promoted by the Carnegie Foundation but that failed to flourish except in the ecological niche of Idaho State University whose obscurity guaranteed its holders having to fight uphill to get hired elsewhere. Well the inside joke about the DoA degree was that it stood for “dead on arrival.”
Excellent column Martin. May millions read and heed.