well said sir! unfortunately cowardice permeates ever level of our society these days, not just academia. Just look at our weak minded politicians who kowtow to the loudest whiners or the companies who tremble at the slightest threat to boycott a product. It is no wonder people flock to blowhards like Trump!
Not "pro-Palestinian" - anti-Semitic. Don't play their games of euphemism ...
I write it that way to emphasize "pro" as opposed to "Pro" to piss off the people at the AP that I like to torment.
Call out the cowards, Martin. Good work.
Good one Martin.
well said sir! unfortunately cowardice permeates ever level of our society these days, not just academia. Just look at our weak minded politicians who kowtow to the loudest whiners or the companies who tremble at the slightest threat to boycott a product. It is no wonder people flock to blowhards like Trump!