Jul 9Liked by Martin Hackworth

You're a wise man and I found personal insight from your US.,,.BS. From about 14 years old I wanted to be an engineer, now I have 45 years of professional experience behind me. I always questioned why?? I now recognize engineering is truth. High tech is very complicated so one takes pride, immense pride, in a very complex device being practical to build which performs properly.

But there are other truth creators: they are the doers, builders of dams and houses, those repairing roads and air conditioners and elevators. Their accomplishments are tested by reality and must pass.

The current crop of “elites”, as they foolishly identify themselves, never have been tested by reality. They've degenerated to feeling they can make stuff, anything, up and believe their fantasy is truth---until reality happens, their fantasy collapses with dire consequences to us all.

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Amen, brother. Newton's laws don't care what you think about "ways of knowing."

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Jul 9Liked by Martin Hackworth

The media is what it is because that's where the most profit is! It's the people who watch the bullshit, support the advertisers, buy their crap and every evening watch the crap again while they stuff their face with the processed crap being advertised...it's the audience that's made the media!

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Jul 9Liked by Martin Hackworth

To your point - I subscribed to the NYT a while back. I was prepared for all the bias and BS that is in its DNA, but what I was not prepared for was the amount oof just trite, frivolous nonsense they publish. An article today arguing that grandmothers should wear and proudly flaunt their sometimes sagging bodies in bikinis was typical. “All the news that’s fit to print”?

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Jul 8Liked by Martin Hackworth

Fantastic piece! Maybe we should coin a new name “mediocre-cracy.”

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