I could actually see the Democratic Party splitting in the next year.

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Funny, sort of, that I thought the exact same thing about the Republican Party after the 2016 election. Yet, here are still with two major parties. I don’t see much changing as long as we all keep buying what they are selling.

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Trump managed to re-cast the GOP, and isolated the never-Trumpers. I think a split was closer than many realize.

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I feel the same way about Trump as I do Nancy Pelosi. Both make my skin crawl, but I have to admire their political instincts and abilities to put wins on the board.

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I'm pretty sure that the red/blue map doesn't really means anything other than the population in the U.S. is concentrated in urban areas and the middle is relatively empty. There is a similar type of graphic available that shows the actual number of votes in these red/blue areas that is a lot more accurate representation. As an aside I find it a curious thought exercise to wonder why folks in urban areas are typically more liberal?

Trump seems to have won by <2% where many incumbents across the globe have also lost. It's been noted that this might be the smallest popular vote margin for a winning candidate for U.S. president since1968.

I don't think this is so complicated at all. The far left "woke" issues certainly don't help and make great talking points, but Occam proves right again. The simplest answer is most likely the right answer. Fewer Americans are making more than their parents did... especially if they grew up in the middle class. One stat suggests that in the past 80% of Americans grew up to earn more than their parents. This is now around 50%. The impact of inflation hits hard for far too many Americans (and also apparently other voters around the globe). Try as we may to suggest other reasons, it is once again the economy.

Let's see how tariffs, tax cuts for the rich, and isolationism work if actually implemented to the extent promised. These are great tough guy promises, but I'll bet my money with the economists/historians and not the TV show guy.

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This is what happens when any party becomes an " Island of conceit surrounded by a sea of egotism."

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Funny how you never wrote anything about 2025. Yeah, I know, Trump denied knowing anything about it, but he was mentioned hundreds of times in the "Project" and his VP wrote the forward. When has he EVER had words come out of his mouth that weren't lies?

So, Trump won, the Democrats are not acting like petulant children denying the results and there will be a new/rehashed resident in the White House. I hope he does better than the last term and tries to act like a president and not a strong man, but I have serious doubts. I fear for our country.

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