Jun 2Liked by Martin Hackworth

Good-natured curmudgeons with the word sense to elicit laughter in the face of brain-dead inanity are too few and far between. Road paranoia is patently and truly sane, literally and metaphorically. Ride we must, while we can, but with hubris and keeping one’s lane and with an eye on the mirror. In our physical world at least, the right-to-life of bicyclists is not a hill you want to die on. Ride on. Be safe. You are needed.

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I have heard some well-meaning folks say that bicyclists are not bound by the same rules as the rest of us e.g. one claimed that if cyclists are burning rubber flying down a hillside and coming to traffic lights that change against their favor that, nonetheless, drivers with the green lights MUST yield to the descending cyclists. While I think mere prudence should deter drivers from entering that intersection I find it hard to accept being told that a bunch of entitled wealthy folks on bikes have license to ignore the rules of the road binding the rest of us.

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I like the cycling analogy, pretty par! Good article!

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