Our choices are between the quintessential diversity hire and a cheat, ass, and liar. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin won't have to raise a finger to defeat us because we are doing it ourselves.
Another, albeit minor, benefit to Trump winning: He can only serve four more years. Eight years of Harris would most likely lead to a degradation of Constitutional rights it would take generations to claw back, if ever.
For all Trump's harrumphing about the press being "the enemy of the people," he's never tried to squelch their First Amendment rights - unlike the Democrats, who incredibly claim that 1) "Misinformation" isn't Constitutionally protected and 2) Only they can define "misinformation." It's wonderful circular logic - if you're inside the circle.
Maher of all people ought to see the threat the Democrats represent to free speech - with their promises to pass new laws regulating online speech (including streaming) and to pack the Supreme Court to get the majority they need to allow the First Amendment to be trampled.
I did watch 3 minutes of the debate of the two most narcissistic people on Earth and had to turn it off before I hung myself with my shoelaces. If you look the world with an unbiased view it's very clear that it's trajectory is not upward. I don't really blame politics for that it's how ignorant the human species really is making the exact same mistakes they have made for a solid three thousand years or more. We just can't overcome our basic instincts of survival, fear, and the seven deadly sins. I have traveled and worked all over the world in the last 40 year's. Worked in affluent areas and areas of extreme poverty. Lived in apartment complexes where I was the only white person. Lived and worked in very high crime areas one area averaged over one murder a month around our job. I worked on the border wall and saw what is really going on down there and let me tell you it ain't good. I've seen human trafficking up close families forced to put their attractive young female members to work in the sex industry or all be murdered (this I've seen in multiple countries around the world). I'm currently working in Portland and worked here two years ago. The downhill slide that's going on here is worse than advertised. I'm not a Republican or Democrat I belong to the party of commonsense which I have my parents to thank. Well if you want to be an armchair warrior and believe the media and politicians that's your choice if you want to see what's really going on hang out with me for awhile.
The post script here is they're are a helluva a lot of good people all over this world too.
Another great read, thanks. Sums up where we are for sure; don't vote for either PERSON, vote for what they (and their party) will DO. Law and order, border control, free speech, democracy. What a sad state of affairs for the American citizen this election is.
If elected, Trumps power to pardon, the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity and his use of stochastic terrorism will embolden extremists and their acts of violence, not to mention campaign finance violations, racketeering, murder, and the numerous other pardons of first presidency (143). Trump has stated in no uncertain terms his intent of revenge. He will prove his power to his cult minions by pardoning the Jan 6 thugs and pardons will be a commodity for sale as before, but with impunity! The USA will become a mafia state with Trump as the ultimate Godfather...we are in the greatest danger our nation has ever faced.
Another, albeit minor, benefit to Trump winning: He can only serve four more years. Eight years of Harris would most likely lead to a degradation of Constitutional rights it would take generations to claw back, if ever.
For all Trump's harrumphing about the press being "the enemy of the people," he's never tried to squelch their First Amendment rights - unlike the Democrats, who incredibly claim that 1) "Misinformation" isn't Constitutionally protected and 2) Only they can define "misinformation." It's wonderful circular logic - if you're inside the circle.
Maher of all people ought to see the threat the Democrats represent to free speech - with their promises to pass new laws regulating online speech (including streaming) and to pack the Supreme Court to get the majority they need to allow the First Amendment to be trampled.
If, that is, Trump decides to acknowledge his term limit.
IF he doesn't, there will be millions of people who voted for him ready to escort him to the exit ...
Jim, I'd sure hope so, but these days, who knows? You, me, and Rich Lowry are a few bodies short of a posse.
I did watch 3 minutes of the debate of the two most narcissistic people on Earth and had to turn it off before I hung myself with my shoelaces. If you look the world with an unbiased view it's very clear that it's trajectory is not upward. I don't really blame politics for that it's how ignorant the human species really is making the exact same mistakes they have made for a solid three thousand years or more. We just can't overcome our basic instincts of survival, fear, and the seven deadly sins. I have traveled and worked all over the world in the last 40 year's. Worked in affluent areas and areas of extreme poverty. Lived in apartment complexes where I was the only white person. Lived and worked in very high crime areas one area averaged over one murder a month around our job. I worked on the border wall and saw what is really going on down there and let me tell you it ain't good. I've seen human trafficking up close families forced to put their attractive young female members to work in the sex industry or all be murdered (this I've seen in multiple countries around the world). I'm currently working in Portland and worked here two years ago. The downhill slide that's going on here is worse than advertised. I'm not a Republican or Democrat I belong to the party of commonsense which I have my parents to thank. Well if you want to be an armchair warrior and believe the media and politicians that's your choice if you want to see what's really going on hang out with me for awhile.
The post script here is they're are a helluva a lot of good people all over this world too.
Take care, my brother.
Excellent post! Mr. Hackworth, you said everything I think but am not allowed to say. Thank you!
Another great read, thanks. Sums up where we are for sure; don't vote for either PERSON, vote for what they (and their party) will DO. Law and order, border control, free speech, democracy. What a sad state of affairs for the American citizen this election is.
If elected, Trumps power to pardon, the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity and his use of stochastic terrorism will embolden extremists and their acts of violence, not to mention campaign finance violations, racketeering, murder, and the numerous other pardons of first presidency (143). Trump has stated in no uncertain terms his intent of revenge. He will prove his power to his cult minions by pardoning the Jan 6 thugs and pardons will be a commodity for sale as before, but with impunity! The USA will become a mafia state with Trump as the ultimate Godfather...we are in the greatest danger our nation has ever faced.